Quran 4:1
O mankind, fear your Lord,
who created you from one soul and created from it its mate
and dispersed from both of them many men and women. And fear
Allah , through whom you ask one another, and the wombs. Indeed
Allah is ever, over you, an Observer.
The Qur'an clearly states Eve was created
from Adam.
Some ignorant individuals talk about the "Mitochondrial Eve Theory" and then say quran is wrong. This is cheap deception !
The Mitochondrial Eve is NOT our common ancestor & has NOTHING to do with Actual Adam & Eve, and this fact alone is enough to disprove the claim of a scientific error.
Below we will take a look at this theory.
1- Mitochondrial Eve Theory:
Mitochondria contain their own DNA, which they use to make certain proteins. mtDNA was thought to be special for two reasons.
First, it is short and relatively simple in comparison to the DNA found
within the nucleus, containing only thirty-seven genes instead of the
70,000+ genes located in the nuclear DNA. This makes it relatively easy
to analyze.
Second, unlike nuclear DNA, which each person inherits in a
jumbled form from both parents, mitochondrial DNA was thought to be
passed on only through the mother’s line (more about this later).
Theoretically, if scientists could look farther and farther into the
past, they would find that the number of women who contributed the
modern varieties of mitochondrial DNA gets less and less until, finally,
we arrive at one “original” mother. She, then, would be the only woman
out of all the women living in her day to have a daughter in every
generation till the present
So, they defined it as ' the most-recent common ancestor of
all humans alive on Earth today with respect to matrilineal descent.'
Many other women lived with her,
but they either did not leave descendents or did not leave descendents
via the matrilineal line, who are still alive today.
Mitochondrial Eve depends very critically
on the present human population of the Earth. As people die or are
born, this woman can change.
As we can see, this theory has NOTHING to do with Actual Adam & Eve.
2-It's problems:
The validity of this theory is dependent upon two
critically important assumptions:
(1) that mtDNA is, in fact, derived
exclusively from the mother; and
(2) that the mutation rates associated
with mtDNA have remained constant over time.
However, we now know that these assumptions are wrong.
In fact,as has been demonstrated for mice, mtDNA is inherited paternally when some of the sperm’s tail, which carries these organelles, is introduced into an ovum — which is a situation that both Awadella et al.(1999) and Hagelberg calculated as being quite common. (Schwartz, J. H. and Maresca, B. (2006). "Do Molecular Clocks Run at All?)
On page 2524 however, a study by Philip Awadalla of the University of
Edinburgh and Adam Eyre-Walker and John Maynard Smith of the University
of Sussex in Brighton, U.K. finds signs of mixing between maternal and
paternal mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in humans and chimpanzees. Because
biologists have used mtDNA as a tool to trace human ancestry and
relationships, the finding has implications for everything from the
identification of bodies to the existence of a “mitochondrial Eve” (Strauss, 286:2436).
Several recent papers, however, have suggested that elements of mtDNA
may sometimes be inherited from the father. This hypothesis is based on
evidence that mtDNA may undergo recombination. If this does occur,
maternal mtDNA in the egg must cross over with homologous sequences in a
different DNA molecule; paternal mtDNA seems the most likely
candidate…. If mtDNA can recombine, irrespective of the mechanism,
there are important implications for mtDNA evolution and for
phylogenetic studies that use mtDNA (Morris and Mightowlers, 2000, 355:1290).
We report the case of a 28-year-old man with mitochondrial myopathy due
to a novel 2-bp mtDNA deletion…. We determined that the mtDNA harboring
the mutation was paternal in origin and accounted for 90 percent of the patient’s muscle mtDNA (Schwartz and Vissing, 2002, 347:576)
3- Quran on human creation:

Sahih International
did not make them witness to the creation of the heavens
and the earth or to the creation of themselves, and I would
not have taken the misguiders as assistants.
Quran points out to a simple fact. All human trials to understand their origins are not testable, not falsifiable and not provable, just speculations & conjectures.
The Qur’an clearly states that Adam was created by Allah from the clay.
The “miracle” of our creation enables us to recognize and remain in total awe of Allāh's limitless powers. That in turn allows us to submit to Him and to His message conveyed to us through His Prophets.
For surely, the Magnificent Creator who fashioned a complete living
being out of a mere sperm drop, can resurrect that same human being
hundreds of years after his death; after his total decomposition into
Because for the One for whom the first, original creation was so easy, the resurrection will be even easier:
كَمَا بَدَأْنَا أَوَّلَ خَلْقٍ نُّعِيدُهُ وَعْدًا عَلَيْنَا إِنَّا كُنَّا فَاعِلِينَ
Even as We produced the first creation, so shall We produce a new one; a promise We have undertaken. Truly shall We fulfil it.” [
Allāh mentions 3 other words in another place in the
Qurʾān where He mentions the “despicable” water – “طِين”,”نسل” and “سلالة”:
أَحْسَنَ كُلَّ شَيْءٍ خَلَقَهُ وَبَدَأَ خَلْقَ الْإِنسَانِ مِن طِينٍ –
ثُمَّ جَعَلَ نَسْلَهُ مِن سُلَالَةٍ مِّن مَّاء مَّهِينٍ
Who made all things good which He created, and He began the creation of man from clay; And made his progeny from a quintessence of the nature of a fluid despised.” [32:7-8]
The point that comes across is how
brought every one of us into this world from a mere drop of fluid – a
fluid that is considered dirty, and worthy of being washed off and
discarded; which emanates from a part of the body that is also kept
hidden and considered shameful; a part that excretes the filth (urine)
from our bodies.
Furthermore, when a human baby comes into this world, it again does so through the same anatomical part of his mother's body.
Allāh reminds man again and
again of his origins, of his first and subsequent
creation, in order to cull his arrogance and reinforce his belief in
Allāh's absolute power of creation and resurrection.
Because as long as we keep reminding ourselves of how we were
created, how we were born, and how we came into existence from nothing,
to ultimately grow bigger and take the shape of a functioning human
being from the merger of two tiny cells, we will perhaps be able to stop
doubting how
Allāh will put us back together in the
Akhirah when the Hour is established.
4- They have never found a trace of Adam !
Interesting thought. It is also interesting how paleontologists are
capable of finding a single bone fragment. From that fragment are able
to reconstruct a likely image of the creature, set up probabilities as
to how prevalent the critter was and what it ate. And that is accepted
as world belief with no need for further evidence.
Now, religious scholars have less things to work with. Disbelievers are asking
them to produce concrete solid physical proof of one specific person. I
don't know about anybody else, but I have no way of locating the baby
teeth I had as a child and they fell out. That is probably the only
physical evidence that may exist to prove I was a living 5 year old in
1945. I guess since I have no solid physical artifacts of when I was a
child, I must not have existed then and I can not believe the words of
my childhood friends and relatives or my own memories..
Perhaps somethings are too far in the past for physical evidence to have
remained or is in such minute quantity that it has little chance of
ever being found. Perhaps sometimes we have to look upon the passed down
words of those who witnessed or caused the events.
Actually we are quite satisfied that we know were the physical remains
of the alter used by Abraham is and we are confident it was also used by
Adam. That in itself is more then sufficient physical proof for us to
accept the reality of Adam and Abraham.